Revitalisation of Old Tai O Police Station into Tai O Heritage Hotel
活化舊大澳警署 -

Grade 2 Historic Building 二級歷史建築

Tai O, Hong Kong 香港大澳

Use 用途
Commercial 商業
Client 客戶
Hong Kong Heritage Conservation Foundation Limited 香港歷史文物保育建設有限公司
Scope of Services 委託範圍
Conservation Architect & Heritage Consultant 保育建築師及保育顧問
Project Status 項目進度
Completed in 2012 已於2012年完成

  • Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme (Batch IV)
    活化歷史建築伙伴計劃 (第一期)
  • Revitalisation and Conversion of original police station building into a boutique hotel, and erection of new Restaurant structure venue and barrier-free access facilities.


Tai O Heritage Hotel-1

Tai O Heritage Hotel-1